Since my most asked questions are regarding my workout regime, I wanted to explain some of my favorite workout moves. These moves are perfect for someone with a busy schedule, but still needing to stay in shape. I'm going to share with you 4 effective moves that are perfect for anyone on the go. I'll also be touching base on some of my trouble areas, and how I improve on those.
1. Basic Squat (with 2 modifications).
Everyone knows what a squat is, even if you've never worked out before! Squats are great because they work multiple muscle groups in one time, and despite the gossip about squats building bulky thighs, and big butts - they can also help you maintain lean muscle mass.
- Basic Squat: Stand with feet hip distance apart, keep your weight in your heels, bend dropping your bottom as low as you can go keeping it parallel to the floor.
Add weights for an additional challenge ( I use 2-4 pound weights putting them on my shoulders beginners should start with no weights, not going too deep into the squat).
- Four count squat: In a four count squat you do the same thing as in the basic squat except its done in four counts. You squat down, come up half way, sink even lower into the squat this time down, then press back up. This move really has a constant contraction on the quads (the top of the thighs) and you can feel it work on the first one! I like to alternate between basic squats and four count squats so I don't get completely winded.
- Squat and Kick: In this move you do a basic squat, but as you come up you kick with one leg as high as you can go alternating legs.
Add weights for an additional challenge ( I use 2-4 pound weights putting them on my shoulders beginners should start with no weights, not going too deep into the squat).
Side Leg raises: This exercise is one of my favorite for targeting one of my trouble areas... My hips! Hip fat is one of the hardest areas to lose fat from along with the stomach. Side leg raises use your own body weight for resistance, which is what I love about this exercise.
- Carefully lie down on a soft surface on your side
- Make sure that your head and neck are supported by holding propping yourself up with your hand, and using your other available hand across the body to support yourself more and prevent yourself from falling over.
- Lift your leg up into the air keeping it in a straight line, and slowly resist to bring it down.
Jump Rope/ Basic skip (with a modification): This is another basic exercise that is easy to do. Even if you don't have a jump rope you can still preform this exercise buy using your hands (holding an imaginary jump rope) and still get the effectiveness from this total body move.- Carefully lie down on a soft surface on your side
- Make sure that your head and neck are supported by holding propping yourself up with your hand, and using your other available hand across the body to support yourself more and prevent yourself from falling over.
- Lift your leg up into the air keeping it in a straight line, and slowly resist to bring it down.
- Jump rope with high knees: As straight forward as the basic skip, except you bring your knees as close to your chest as possible keeping your legs at a 90 degree table top position.
Thank you so much for reading this post! I hope this help! Message me if you have any questions.
I'm not a doctor, or fitness expert so please confide in a professional before attempting any of these exercises.
Zuri Tibby
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